We went to the Chantilly Arts et Elegance Richard Mille concours d’élégance the first weekend of September
and came back with two trophies:
The 1st in class price for our Bugatti Atalante in the "Chefs d’oeuvres de la carrosserie
Française Avant-Guerre: voitures fermées" (French coachwork masterpieces (pre-war) closed car) class.
And the Special price for our Ferrari 512 BBLM in the "Hommage à l’écurie Pozzi" ("tribute to the Pozzi racing team") class.
One more time, Patrick Peter and his team made a great job: the place, the cars, the food, the activities... Everything was perfect and
we can’t wait to come back next year.
Below are some pictures of this great event. Enjoy
Photo courtesy Rémi Dargegen
Photo courtesy Rémi Dargegen
GTC is located in the South of France. You can contact us by e-mail or by phone at the following number: +33 442 726 199
Please note that all viewing are strictly by appointment only